Salary Calculator

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We all want to know what we are likely to earn on the job. But what is the difference between salary and wage? And how much net income lands in your account at the end of the month? Our salary calculator has the answer.


The calculations are estimated and do not take into account the individual situation of the taxpayer, i.e. the burden of PPK (Employee Capital Plans), other sources of income or tax reliefs, e.g. tax relief on the account of the return to Poland, tax relief for pensioners, tax relief for parents raising a minimum of 4 children, or the possibility of a joint taxation for a single parent with a child.

How do contracts differ in Poland?

  • It is concluded on the basis of the provisions of the Labour Code and is considered the most stable form of employment.

  • It may be concluded: for a probationary period, for a fixed term or for an indefinite term.

  • It guarantees: no less than a minimum salary, permanence of employment, the right to paid annual leave of a statutory amount, the right to paid sick leave, protection for pregnant women and parents on maternity, paternity as well as parental leave, and also obliges the employer to pay social security contributions on behalf of the employee.

  • It is characterised by the smallest flexibility in terms of time and place of work, as well as subordination to the employer.

  • It can be terminated: by agreement of the parties, by notice, without notice (a reason and justification must be given) or at the expiry of the period for which it was concluded. In the case of termination by agreement of the parties with notice, the notice period depends on the length of service.

  • The calculation of the net salary in the employment contract depends on: working time, on-site/off-site work, participation in PPK, tax threshold (zero PIT, 17%, 32%), form of tax settlement, bonuses and other salary supplements.

  • This is a civil law contract, i.e. it is concluded under the provisions of the Civil Code.

  • Under a contract of mandate, the contractor agrees to perform a specific activity/task in relation to the principal.

  • This type of contract does not provide: employment protection or right to paid leave. Sickness, maternity and paternity benefits are only available if voluntary sickness insurance contribution has been paid for a minimum of three months.

  • Both the principal and the contractor have the right to terminate the contract overnight.

  • The net salary in a contract of mandate depends on: the status of the contractor (pupil, student, person under 26 years of age, pensioner, person unemployed, person who is employed at the same time in another place or works for the same employer), participation in PPK (Employee Capital Plans) and sickness insurance. When a contract of mandate is the only basis for insurance, then the principal has to make mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS): pension, disability pension and health insurance contribution. Sickness insurance contribution is voluntary.

  • This is a civil law contract, i.e. it is concluded under the provisions of the Civil Code.

  • Under a specific-task contract, the contractor agrees to perform specific work of a material or non-material nature for the benefit of the ordering party. The contractor of the work is free as to the place, time and manner of performance of the work, unless it is otherwise stated in the contract. The contractor may also delegate the performance of the work to a subcontractor, unless the contract provides otherwise.

  • A specific-task contract is most beneficial for authors exercising their copyrights. In that case, the deductible expense amounts to 50%.

  • The contract does not give the right to paid holiday.

  • The net salary in a specific-task contract depends on: the amount of the deductible expense (20% or 50%). A specific-task contract does not oblige the employer to pay any social security contributions, unless this type of contract is executed by an employee hired by the employer under an employment contract and the work is performed by the employee on behalf of the employer.

Difference between wage and salary

Polish does not distinguish between wages and salaries (as in English).

In any case, you should consider whether you are being paid on a monthly basis (a fixed amount regardless of the number of working days in a month and the actual amount of work performed), on a piece rate basis (depending on the amount of work performed or the degree of completion of a given task) or on an hourly basis (depending on the number of hours performed).

Difference between gross and net income

Gross income is the wage/salary entitlement without statutory deductions (social security contributions, solidarity surcharge, wage tax, church tax). Net income is the amount actually paid out after these deductions.

The salary calculator is intended for personal use and for informational purposes only. The actual paycheck may differ from that estimated by the calculator, as individual pay depends on many legal and individual employee factors. If you would like to know your exact salary and its components, please contact your employer. Trenkwalder is not responsible for the use of the calculator for agreements between employers and employees.