Legalisation of residence and employment of foreigners

For more than 7 years, we have successfully supported employers and individuals in obtaining the right residence documents and work permits.

We operate throughout the country.

Transfer to us the formalities for legalising their work

Are you planning or already employ foreigners?Transfer to us the formalities for legalising their work

Let our qualified and experienced consultants do it for you. Not only will we explain which solution is best for you, but, most importantly, we will do most of the work for you. We will be your expert and advisor.

  • We will carry out legality audit of residence and employment of foreigners already working in your company, and then provide you with a report with a list of errors and ways to eliminate them.

  • We will train your employees on the legalisation of work and residence of foreigners.

  • We will comprehensively support your company in legalising foreigners.

  • We will prepare your company for an inspection by the PIP or Border Guard, and if necessary, we will assist you during the inspection.

We are proud of our thousands of successful official cases. Our success rate is 99%. Before accepting an assignment, we reliably inform clients whether we can guarantee the success of the project.

Usługi w ramach legalizacji zatrudnienia:

Verification of documents

Verification of documents

Legality audit of residence and employment

Legality audit of residence and employment

Obtaining the opinion of the chief officer

Obtaining the opinion of the chief officer

Obtaining a residence and work permit

Obtaining a residence and work permit

Registering the declaration on entrusting work

Registering the declaration on entrusting work

Permit for a foreigner to perform work in the territory of the RP

Permit for a foreigner to perform work in the territory of the RP

Legalizacja pobytu i pracy cudzoziemcaJak wygląda współpraca?

Analiza potrzeb

We start from scratch - we get to know your needs, analyse the foreigner's visa situation and select the best solution.

Skompletowanie dokumentów

We complete the necessary documents and deliver them to the relevant authorities, while you can calmly go about your business.

Monitoring przepisów

We monitor changes and keep our finger on the pulse - if regulations change, we keep you informed.


We report all necessary information, deadlines and document validity.

What do you gain by working with Trenkwalder?

i powierzając nam przeprowadzenie procesu legalizacji zatrudnienia i załatwienie spraw urzędowych?



You don't have to follow the regulations. We are up to date with them.



We save your time. We will carry out the process quickly and efficiently.



No risks. We focus on timeliness and results.



Every case is different, and we prepare an individual solution for everyone.

Our successes in the legalisation of work and residence



registered declarations on entrusting work per year



registered work permits per year



applications for temporary residence cards per year

Find out what our customers say

HR Manager, Faurecia Wałbrzych S.A.

„Trenkwalder has taken from our HR department the time-consuming duties related to recruitment selection, HR and payroll services for production and warehouse employees and the legalisation of work and residence of foreign temporary workers. I highly appreciate their commitment and efficiency.“

Director, Pipelife

„Trenkwalder is our proven recruitment partner. We recommend the cooperation. We could also count on their support in the difficult conditions of the pandemic, when they carried out such non-standard services for us such as the organisation of places of stay and the full logistical service of foreign workers requiring quarantine, as well as the organisation of occupational medical examinations for them.“

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E-book (in PL) "How to legalise residence and work of a foreigner in Poland?"

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