Open Application

Step by step to your dream job

You want to stay flexible in your job search? That's right! With a speculative application, you do not refer to a specific job advertisement, but show comprehensive motivation, commitment and flexibility. This can result in many jobs. Nationally, internationally, in a client company or directly at Trenkwalder - all doors are open to you.

Your chance: why send us an open application
In doing so, you use all the opportunities of our extensive network. We add you to our pool of candidates and look for the perfect match for you among the constantly new job offers. Your next opportunity may come from a client company – or you may receive an offer to work directly at Trenkwalder.

As a pioneer in digital recruiting, our application processes are mainly online. Submit your open application without any complications. Follow us on social media and apply directly via Facebook, LinkedIn & Co with your profile there. Whatever you decide: Contacting us and applying should be as easy as possible for you.

Everything you need to know for a successful speculative application is explained here step by step.

1. Fill out online form

Our clear open application form is all you need. Here you can either upload your CV as a document. Or simply use your social media profile.

  • Option 1: CV upload

In advance, you need to create a document that you upload there.

  • Option 2: Social media application (with your LinkedIn, Facebook or Google profile)
    Social recruiting is the magic word that makes applications easier than ever. As a pioneer in digital recruiting, you can easily reach us via these channels and also use your social media profile directly as an application profile.

Social Media

Follow us

We constantly post new interesting job offers, tips and look for talent there.

Trenkwalder @

2. Upload all important documents

No matter how you have created your profile, your complete application includes a CV and optionally a motivation letter.

In our application form you upload all documents with a few clicks.

3. Check and send application

Before you send your application, check all your details again. Have you thought of everything? Is everything written correctly? Check. Let's get it out there! Your speculative application has reached us – and will be processed immediately.

4. Application check by the Trenkwalder team

Now our recruiters match your qualifications with current job offers. We may also carry out a so-called competence analysis. The results of this analysis help us match you with various job profiles. This makes it even easier for us to find the ideal company for you.

As soon as we have a match, we will contact you immediately and discuss the next steps together.

5. Invitation to the interview

If you are shortlisted for a job, we will invite you for an interview. We are happy to do an initial interview by phone or video conference. For the actual interview, we will then ask you to come to one of our offices.

There you can present yourself in person and receive all the information you need about the specific job. If it's not possible to meet in person, we can do that too: via Teams

6. Contract and onboarding

You have received an acceptance letter for the job? Congratulations! Now you're off to a great start in one of our client companies. Our consultant will help you on every step of the employment and onboarding process.

During the onboarding process and throughout your work at the client company, we will continue to accompany you as your contact for all concerns. Don't be shy: we are always there for you.

With this in mind: Good luck with your take-off!

Check out our Application Form