Cookies policy

Trenkwalder Cookies Policy

§ 1 Definitions

Personal Data Controller (ADO) - according to RODO (Article 4(7) RODO), this is the one (entity/person) who decides on the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

Personal Data - according to the RODO (Article 4(1) RODO), personal data means information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Such a person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, e.g. by: name, physical or genetic characteristics, as well as a number of other characteristics. Personal data also includes information relating to natural persons conducting business activities.

Cookies - (abbreviated as a cookie), a small piece of text that a website sends to your browser, which your browser sends back the next time you visit the website.

Policy - this policy.

RODO - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU. L. 2016 No. 119, p. 1 as amended).

Website -

Trenkwlader  - Trenkwalder & Partner sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Skierniewicach (96-100) ul. Gałeckiego 14, wpisaną do rejestru przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Łodzi Śródmieścia w Łodzi, XX Wydział Gospodarczy KRS pod numerem 0000067484, wysokość kapitału zakładowego wynosi 2.715,500 PLN, NIP: 836-16-62-689, wpisaną do Krajowego Rejestru Podmiotów Prowadzących Agencje Zatrudnienia pod numerem 388

Użytkownik – każda osoba fizyczna odwiedzająca Stronę Internetową lub korzystająca z jednej albo kilku usług czy funkcjonalności opisanych w Polityce.

§ 2 Rodzaje Plików Cookies

Trenkwalder korzysta z następujących rodzajów Plików Cookies:

a) Pliki sesyjne (pozostające na urządzeniu użytkownika aż do opuszczenia Strony Internetowej lub wyłączenia przeglądarki internetowej);

b) Stałe (pozostające na urządzeniu użytkownika przez określony czas albo do momentu ich ręcznego usunięcia);

c) Niezbędne – Pliki Cookies niezbędne do funkcjonowania Strony Internetowej, nie mogą być wyłączone w naszych systemach. Zazwyczaj są one ustawiane tylko w odpowiedzi na działania podejmowane przez użytkownika, które są równoznaczne z żądaniem usług, takie jak ustawienie preferencji dotyczących prywatności, logowanie się lub wypełnianie formularzy. Użytkownik może ustawić swoją przeglądarkę tak, aby blokowała lub ostrzegała go o tych Plikach Cookies, ale niektóre części strony nie będą wtedy działać poprawnie. Te Pliki Cookies nie przechowują żadnych informacji umożliwiających identyfikację użytkownika;

§ 3 Purpose of Cookies

Trenkwalder uses Cookies (including, those that are Personal Data) for the purposes of:

(a) optimising our website for devices and browsers (Article 6(1)(f) RODO - the legitimate interest is to reach as many Internet Users as possible);

b) marketing and specifically to measure the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns carried out and to tailor the content and forms of advertisements; in the event that the User consents to marketing activities, Trenkwlader will collect the personal data provided by the User, including data collected in Cookies for marketing purposes, including for the purpose of analysis and profiling (Article 6(1)(a) RODO, voluntary consent given by the User. The giving of consent is voluntary and consent given can be revoked at any time).

c) for statistical purposes (Article 6(1)(f) RODO - the legitimate interest is to analyse the effectiveness of marketing activities).

§ 4 Personal Data

User Data obtained from Cookies in the case of using the forms available on the Trenkwalder Site can be associated with Personal Data that Trenkwalder already has about a particular person, and therefore, there may be a situation when Trenkwalder will use this data to identify persons (we will then identify it as Personal Data).

2 The Administrator of the Personal Data is Trenkwalder & Partner sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Skierniewice (96-100) Galeckiego 14 Street, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Lodz-Srodmiescie in Lodz, XX Economic Division of the National Court Register under the number 0000067484, NIP: 836-16-62-689.

(3) The User may contact the Administrator of Personal Data via e-mail address or by traditional way to the address ul. Galeckiego 14, 96-100 Skierniewice.

4 Trenkwalder may collect the following categories of website user data:

(a) IP address,

b) domain name,

c) browser type,

d) type of operating system

e) other data concerning your Internet usage settings and preferences.

(5) Recipients of Users' personal data may be:

(a) entities that are entitled to receive them under the law;

b) entities with which Trenkwalder has entered into a contract for the provision of maintenance services for the IT systems used in their processing;

c) entities providing support to Trenkwalder on the basis of outsourced services (marketing services, hosting) and in accordance with the entrustment agreements concluded;d) other companies of the Trenkwalder Group:

i) Trenkwalder Patron sp. z o.o., ul. Galeckiego 14, 96-100 Skierniewice, NIP 726-253-19-14, REGON 100168363, District Court for Lodz-Śródmieście, XX Division of the National Court Register, KRS: 0000253739,

ii) Trenkwalder Outsourcing Poland sp. z o.o., ul. Gałeckiego 14, 96-100 Skierniewice, NIP 836-184-72-65, REGON 100991281, District Court for Lodz-Śródmieście, XX Division of the National Court Register, KRS: 0000367873,

iii) Trenkwalder Benefit sp. z o.o., ul. Podgórska 36, 31-536 Kraków, NIP 6772133425, REGON 357117665, District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście, XI Economic and Registration Division of the National Court Register, KRS: 0000049112.

(6) Personal Data obtained from Cookies will be processed until the withdrawal of consent by the User or in the scope of data processed in the implementation of the legitimate interest of Trenkwalder which is marketing until the purpose is exhausted or the moment of filing an objection.

7 Users have the right to:

(a) to access their data and to receive a copy of their data;

(b) to rectify (amend) their personal data;

(c) to restrict the processing of their personal data;

(d) erasure of personal data;

e) to object; Users have the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest that Trenkwalder indicates above and processed for direct marketing purposes including profiling.

f) to withdraw consent - if the data are processed on the basis of the consent given; (Giving consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time without giving any reason but without affecting the lawfulness of the processing before its withdrawal)

(g) to lodge a complaint with the President of UODO (to the address of the Office for Personal Data Protection, 2 Stawki Street, 00 - 193 Warsaw).

(8) Where marketing consent is given, we may make decisions in an automated manner based on the data we hold about you, as well as on data from Cookies. Decisions made in this automated manner may affect the assignment of the User to a particular customer category, the selection of advertisements and messages displayed when using the Internet and the Website.

9 Profiling means the collection of information about the User (or group of Users) and the assessment of their characteristics or behavioural patterns in order to classify them into a specific category or group, in particular for the purpose of analysing or forecasting aspects such as the persons' demonstrated: ability to perform a given task; interests; or likely behaviour

10 Automated decision-making for marketing purposes takes place on the basis of the consent given by the User.

§ 5 Management of Cookies

Internet browsers memorise Cookies by default, but most browsers allow Users to manage Cookies on the Website. Users of the Website may change their Cookies settings at any time. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of handling Cookies is available in the settings of your Internet browser. The following are the most popular web browsers:

a) Mozilla Firefox:

Menu > Options > Privacy > History - select the appropriate option.

b) Internet Explorer:

Menu > Tools > Internet options > Privacy - select the appropriate option.

c) Google Chrome:

Menu > Settings > Show advanced settings > Privacy > Content settings > Cookies - select appropriate option.

d) Safari:

Settings > Safari > Advanced - select appropriate option.

e) Opera:

Menu > Preferences > Advanced > Cookies - please select the appropriate option.

Please be advised that restrictions on the use of Cookies may affect certain functionalities of the Website.